CV&CC Update Extra. 5th January 2021 will be an INSET Day; start of term for students 6th January.

A separate communication has been sent to all parents & carers, and to all staff.

Clyst Vale will take advantage of the government’s offer of an additional INSET training day to give time for planning mass testing for covid, and to plan and prepare lessons for remote learning.

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th January will both be INSET Days. No student is expected to attend Clyst Vale on either day.

Therefore, the official start of term for students will be Wednesday, 6th January. Due to the government’s “staggered start” to term, only the following students should attend the College site; the rest will be taught remotely.

Year 11 – all students

Year 13 – all students

Year 12 – students in BTec classes only

children of keyworkers

children who are deemed vulnerable, including children with an EHCP

children who receive free school meals


The link to the latest definitions of “keyworker” and “vulnerable” is

Government Guidance – Maintaining Educational Provision


I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause to some families, and hope that the amount of notice given may help to reduce this.

Best wishes,


Kevin Bawn
