Exeter City Trip
Post 16 students and a number of gifted and talented Year 11 students were invited to attend an afternoon at Exeter City Football Club with a focus on careers in sport and the pathways that lead to success.
With ongoing minibus issues it was a convoy of staff and Post 16 vehicles that made it’s way through the various road works to St James Park, home of the Grecians. The afternoon consisted of careers advice, club history and trivia plus a facinating tour of the stadium. The event organised by Mr Stapleton, himself a City Youth player allowed students to compare their current subjects and grades to future goals and requirements.
It was great see the students mixing so well, learning from one another, especially with the Year 13 primed for university and the next step in their educations. A super, enriching afternoon which the students greatly enjoyed. Thanks also to Harry from Exeter City who was our liaison at the club.
Mr Powell, Head of PE