James Lake Art Workshop – Feb 2025

Twenty Year 10 GCSE Art Students took part in an exciting sculpture workshop run by the renowned local artist James Lake (https://jameslakesculpture.co.uk/). Thanks to funding provided by Daisi Art Education Charity (https://daisi.org.uk/) and CVCC Art Department, students had a full day with Lake to learn his techniques for sculpting with cardboard, wire and glue. Students made fantastic sculptures of human heads, each with it’s own character. They left buzzing with lots of new skills and ideas, commenting:

“I learnt another media of Art along with new skills that could help improve my future work. I also learnt how to use my imagination to turn something 2D into 3D”

“It was fun and interesting and I learnt how to use a glue gun!”

“Feel great and my brain is plump with knowledge”

“The best bit was piecing together and creating the sculpture’s face using cardboard and glue”

“For me I most enjoyed the final hour, once we had finished the foundations and had a lot more freedom in covering over the sculpture with it’s ‘skin'”