Welcome to the subject page for PE.
You’ll find key information including staffing, curriculum plans and contact details on this page.
Curriculum Intent
We aim as a PE staff to deliver a curriculum that challenges and inspires students to acquire the skills, fitness and knowledge to follow a healthy lifestyle through school and into the wider community. The curriculum will aim to meet the needs of all abilities and will recognise issues surrounding students from varying genders, SEND groups, and those students listed as Priority Learners. Course content will be delivered by expert practitioners who will use their knowledge of students to improve student performance at every level. PE Staff will seek to create an atmosphere where the Rights Respecting Schools ethos is evident, participation is fully inclusive and where students feel safe and confident to strive to achieve beyond their expectations.
– CVCC PE – Realising potential through participation, performance, leadership and respect
– Participation – get involved, stay involved
– Performance – achieve your best grades, results and praise
– Leadership – support others in their participation and success
– Respect – for self, other learners and staff
As a Rights Respecting School we fully promote the individual student right to engage in activities that allow creativity and offer enjoyment through participation (Article 31) This article form a cornerstone in all programmes of study and our extra-curricular offer.
Physical Education holds a special position within Clyst Vale as an area in which all students are able to express themselves and achieve success across a broad range of activities.
Our vision is for Participation, Performance, Popularity and Leadership. We want students to grow in confidence and ability through our classes, clubs , trips and events.
All students participate in KS3 participate in four hours of PE per fortnight and three hours per fortnight in KS4.
Students with a passion for physical activity can continue their studies with GCSE, Sport Studies – OCR and A Level PE courses.
Many students also take the opportunities provided to obtain coaching, leadership and officiating courses.
As a team we pride ourselves on delivering a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum that can be accessed by all our students. We provide many opportunities for students to add to their PE curriculum time, with lunchtime and after college clubs. Through further participation students can be coached to sporting excellence or supervised in their pursuit of recreational enjoyment.
We run popular and successful exam based courses at GCSE, and L1 & L2 BTEC, as well as coaching, officiating and leadership courses from Key Stage 4 upwards.
Once a year we hold a Sports Awards Evening to celebrate the efforts and successes of the students, to which guest speakers are invited.
Schemes of Learning
KS3 Level Descriptors
Below are links to exam boards / specs and some sites useful for revision
OCR Cambridge National Sports Studies Certificate
BTEC Level 1/2 First Award in Sport
BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport
The College runs an extensive range of extra-curricular activities ranging from traditional team sports such as rugby, netball, badminton, tennis , athletics, rounders; also, for targeted year-groups there are opportunities in dance, fitness, cricket, basketball and softball. We also attend fixtures in most of these activities and some festival and Partnership Events.
Whilst part of our vision is for mass participation, we also pursue sporting success and have high achieving teams and individuals across the age range.
Sports Clubs Summer 2022 (current)
Sports Clubs Spring 2022 (example)
+TODO add relevant stories