Online Safety

- Online Safety
- Online Safety Newsletters
The majority of young people are sensible, responsible users of the internet, and will not knowingly put themselves at risk. However, the internet can be a very dangerous place: parents and students must never be complacent and, sadly, there are people out there who use very cunning strategies to put young people unknowingly at risk.
Think U Know, The National Crime Agency’s online safety education programme, has recently released this newsletter for parents and carers, about helping their children to stay safe online.
Linked to this, Net Aware (created by the NSPCC and O2) provides an online resource, where you can check out their reviews of the most popular apps, games and social media sites that kids are using, to see if they are suitable:
Apps, games and social media sites reviews for parents (
Click on the link below to access another useful leaflet from Avon & Somerset Police.
At Clyst Vale students are educated about E-safety through the ICT curriculum, Course 42 (PSHE), assemblies and one off events.
The Child Exploitation & Online Protection organisation (CEOP) provides a wide range of support through its web sites which we recommend you visit to stay up to date with the issues:
If you need to report an incident to CEOP please use this link CEOP Report
Other Resources that may be useful:
NSPCC Net Aware a guide to the social networks your kids use
Facebook’s advice on How to Set up your Facebook Account Safely
South West Grid For Learning Facebook Checklist
Click here to view a video outlining the problems with ‘selfies’.
In a recent Parents Briefing the presenter Gary Gates raised as a good web site to use because it has some good educational content, fun games and a parents area for advice and guidance. As a not for profit public service it excludes third party ads and pop ups, and it has a strong public service remit. Nowhere is totally safe, but this is it one of the safer places to be online for children.
We subscribe to and publish a reular monthly E-Safety newsletter.
You can find issues of it below.
Online Safety Newsletter April 2022_Clyst Vale
Online Safety Newsletter March 2022_Clyst Vale
Online Safety Newsletter Feb 2022_Clyst Vale
Online Safety Newsletter Jan 2022_Clyst Vale