BT Bootcamp- Year 10 Careers
Thirty year 10 students visited BT on 10th October to complete the BT Careers Bootcamp. This is a programme that is aimed at improving student’s knowledge and confidence around future careers. Students completed a number of activities including mock interviews, assessment centre activities, goal setting and considering our interests, skills and qualifications.
The two activities that students enjoyed the most were the 1-1 interviews that we completed as well as the product design presentations. Students designed the “Everything Jacket” which changed according to temperature, an eco toothbrush which dispensed toothpaste automatically, a wardrobe which heated pyjama’s before bed, a techno chair and a garden gadget that helped people keep on top of their gardening.
The winning team from Mr Hewlett’s tutor group consisted of- Evie Giles Phillips, Max Lockyer, Aaron Smith, Keira Parsons and Chloe Harris
The BT staff who worked with the students were extremely impressed by the student’s motivation and confidence, along with their ability to work in a professional setting. They even commented that the students were the most impressive group that they had ever worked with. Students were very fortunate that our school was selected to be involved in the scheme and really benefitted from the expertise of the BT staff. They will be receiving certificates in assembly and have gained valuable skills to add to their CV’s.
Mrs Bennett
WRL and enterprise coordinator