Congratulations to Year 11 on their results today!
It was a lovely results day, and the majority of students were pleased or relieved or both with their results. I think all of the gloomy national press helped students in a funny sort of way – many said that they had done a lot better than they expected. We like to think of students as individuals, and they’ve each been on their own individual journey through Clyst Vale, We’re really proud of them all, especially those who have shown great resilience and perseverance to battle through adversity, and those who have made Clyst Vale a better place in their time here. There’s no great secret about reaching your potential in exams: students who take their studies seriously, work hard, and work with their teachers achieve the most, and deserve all the praise they receive.
Congratulations to our top performing students! Jess Lilley achieved five grade 9s and three grade 8s in her results; Daniel Kerslake achieved three 9s and three 8s among his results; Jamie Beuscher and Enoch Pang each achieved three 9s and two 8s. Students achieving nine grades 9-7 were Jess Lilley and Lewis Voysey; a total of eleven students earned seven or more top grades: Jess, Daniel, Jamie, Enoch, Lewis and Millie Burns, Esther Justus, Alice Norris, Ray Phillips, Annelise Smith, and Betsy Speck.
This year group faced many challenges in their time at Clyst Vale, most obviously lockdowns and the legacy of the pandemic, and it’s really tough on them that the government decided two-thirds of the two-year adjustment back to 2019 levels – in England only – would fall on their shoulders. One legacy of the pandemic has been a national upsurge in students with mental health and social challenges, and we have seen this at Clyst Vale; five of our students were unable to come to the school site, so sat their exams at home. Many more than in previous years required special exam arrangements. Some have done brilliantly to get grades at all. I obviously can’t name these students for reasons of sensitivity and confidentiality, but they have been part of our community, deserve as much praise as anyone, and we are just as proud of them.
Congratulations as always also go to my colleagues who have taught, guided and supported our students; and to parents and carers for their support through the whole secondary school experience, as well as the revision period and exams themselves.
But the story is very much about our students; they were a fantastic group of young people – well, most of them – and I am pleased that most left happy with their results. They should be really proud of what they have accomplished in difficult times, and should look forward to next year with confidence in themselves.