Sports Day & Festival on the Field 2024

An amazing and fabulous day of sport and music was enjoyed by staff and students on Wednesday as the rearranged Sports Day and Festival on the Field ran under sunny skies. The variety of activities available to all students showcases our commitment to inclusive education. Not many schools can boast a Sports Day featuring tug of war, mountain biking, rounders, penalty shootouts, and a festival with live performances from both students and the staff band! 

The events began with all four year groups and all students competing tutor versus tutor in the tug-o-war. The Clyst Vale slope having it’s usual influence as tutor groups battled for supremacy. Straight afterwards the groups moved on to rounders where once again the efforts and enthusiasm abounded as tutors sought to pick up points early in the day. 

With the athletic events now into action the students took to the track, runway and take off boards to run, throw and jump against their peers. This year more than ever the support and solidarity among students was evident everywhere as hugs, congratulations and shoulders to lean on were offered. 

On the track two relay records were broken as 7YCFL boys and 10GABR girls ran to new Clyst Vale bests. Jasper Forty continued his astonishing middle distance running as he grabbed a second record. In the end it was the tutor groups from Green School who triumphed with 746 points over Yellow 705 and Red with 635. Special awards for effort were given to Grace Alexander (Sara Wynn Cup) and Jasper Forty (Trevor Greene Cup). The cups for outstanding performances were to Jess Massey (Victrix Ludorum) and Harry Metherell (Victor Ludorum).  The cheers and support for the winning tutor groups in each year, the overall Schools Shield and the four individual cups demonstrated how much the day means to the students and how it stands out a most memorable whole school event. 

Well done to all the students, the Post 16 helpers and of course the many staff who ran and supported the students in their efforts. 

Mr Powell, Head of PE