Year 9 Virtual Options Evening – Thurs 4th Feb, 4.30pm-7.00pm

All Year 9 parents will hopefully have received our letter this week outlining the next steps in the Options process.

On Monday, we also published Sara Jacobs’ Key Stage 4 curriculum overview video, with additional guidance on the factors students should consider when making their choices.

On Thursday evening (6th February, 4.30pm-7.00pm), we are running our Virtual Options Evening.  This will take the form of a series of ‘Question and Answer’ sessions, which you can access online.  Having read the Options Booklet and viewed the subject videos, you will have the chance to post any additional queries direct to subject teachers.

We have a dedicated Options area on our website, where you can find all of the information that we have shared so far regarding Year 9 Options:

This includes:

  • The Options Booklet
  • Subject video presentations
  • The Options ‘Grid’
  • Information on the Virtual Options Evening
  • Links to access Thursday evening’s Q&A sessions with subject teachers
  • Sara Jacobs’ Key Stage 4 curriculum overview presentation

Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Tutor, Head of School or Sara Jacobs (Deputy Principal) if, after Thursday’s event, you still have queries or concerns.  Thank you!

Choices clipart