Student wellbeing during winter Lockdown

As Lockdown continues during this wintry time of year, we completely understand that our students might be finding it hard to stay positive and upbeat.
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week – and Mrs Bennett has put together a lovely document full of links, activities and ideas to help keep you connected with your own feelings and with the important people in your life, as well as tips for staying calm, active and motivated.
Page 1: Information and website links for advice and help from expert organisations
Page 2: The Friendly February calendar gives you an idea each day for a small and friendly act that you can carry out.
Pages 3 & 4: Plenty of ideas to help you express your thoughts and feelings. A good way to take a break from being online!
Page 5: Challenges, and things to make and do away from your screen.
Please have a flick through and try any of the tips that you think will give you or others a little boost, put a smile on your face and reassure you that you are most certainly not on your own at this challenging time.
Take care!
Winter wellbeing